“The land is our family tree and it speaks of legacies, heritage, and memories. No one would take that away from us. No pipelines on our valuable historic farms. No intruders on our land.” Valerie Williams, a member of Concerned Stewards of Halifax County and an African American landowner in Halifax County.
The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is a 600-mile natural gas pipeline starting at a fracking operation in West Virginia. The pipeline, co-owned by Dominion Power and Duke Energy, runs through Virginia before entering North Carolina in Northampton County. From, there it continues another 160 miles through eight counties in eastern North Carolina, including American Indian and Black communities.
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“A National Sacrifice Zone” Radioactive Waste Problems In St. Louis
By Sharon Franklin. Reporters have found an increased cancer risk for some people who, as children, played in a creek contaminated with uranium waste. This