California’s climate plan pits bioenergy against environmental justice goals

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The Air Resources Board has launched a series of stakeholder engagement workshops to inform the next update of Californias Climate Change Scoping Plan, the regulatory framework guiding the states policy priorities. While the plan will not be finalized until the end of 2022, frustrations have already risen among dairy and bioenergy interests over an apparent shift away from dairy digesters and biomass plants for agricultural and forest waste.
I was really concerned with the presentation from the California Energy Commission, particularly the exclusion of any new biomass and no mention whatsoever of biogas,” said Julia Levin, executive director of the Bioenergy Association of California, during an overview webinar for the scoping plan last week.
In its presentation, the commission did not project an increase in bioenergy in California. She called that troubling, since the state is trying to develop a plan with critically needed but aggressive climate change goals.”
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Photo Credit: Dairy Cares

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