Climate Migrants & Hurricanes

By Sharon Franklin. Before recent hurricanes that have reduced towns and cities in the Southeast, there was a trend for Americans most affected by the climate crisis to move to the Midwest.  Now, the question is.. Will there be more?   In a recent article by Stephen Starr, Guardian, he noted that the 65,000 person city of Muncie, Indiana may not be the most exciting place in the world,  because it doesn’t have beaches, or year-round warm weather, it is now home to Laura Rivas, a former resident of

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Climate Change and the Impact on Maternal Health

By Leila Waid. Climate change is already having an enormous impact on our world. All individuals are at risk from the debilitating effects of climate change due to an increase in events such as heat waves, flooding, wildfires, and other natural disasters. However, some individuals are more at risk than others and face higher disparities, such as pregnant women and neonates.  One of the most significant consequences of climate change already being felt are the overbearing heat waves that roll in summer after summer. And every year, it just seems

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A Compensation Program for First Responders, Cleanup Workers and Others Impacted by the Toxic Cloud Released by the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers in New York

By Stephen Lester. Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the horrific attacks on the United States that resulted in nearly 3,000 deaths and 6,000 injuries when al-Qaida hijackers crashed four jetliners into the twin towers in New York City, the Pentagon and a field in southwest Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001.  The legacy of the events from that day continues for the first responders, volunteers and nearby residents in New York City who were exposed to the toxic cloud that resulted when the two World Trade Center buildings collapsed. These

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“A National Sacrifice Zone” Radioactive Waste Problems In St. Louis

By Sharon Franklin. Reporters have found an increased cancer risk for some people who, as children, played in a creek contaminated with uranium waste.  This has caused a grade school to close amid radiation concerns. A landfill operator is spending millions to keep underground smoldering from reaching nuclear waste illegally dumped in the 1970s, according to documents reviewed by The Associated Press.  Both the federal government and companies responsible for nuclear bomb production and atomic waste storage sites in the St. Louis. Missouri area in the mid-20th century were aware

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Twisting the Language of Civil Rights Law, and Entrenching Environmental Injustice

By Charlie Reeves As pollution seeps into low-income and minority communities at disproportionate rates, populations are continuously left unprotected. On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, a U.S. District Court in Louisiana ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency did not have the authority to investigate and determine if pollution-creating factories disproportionately impacted predominantly-minority areas.  Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act is intended to ensure that federal funds are never used to discriminate against anyone on the basis of race or ethnicity. The EPA, investigating and attempting to shut down chemical

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Protecting Children’s Health

By Gregory Kolen II. As the world faces increasing environmental challenges, from climate change to pollution, the most vulnerable among us often bear the brunt of these impacts—our children. Environmental justice is not just about addressing the broad issues of pollution and climate change; it’s about ensuring that every child, regardless of where they live or the color of their skin, has the right to grow up in a healthy environment. Protecting children’s health through environmental justice is a moral imperative that requires urgent attention and action. Children are particularly

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