No We Still Aren’t Done. Honestly, I can’t wait for 2020 to be done.

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This year has been one of the most challenging since I fought along side my neighbors in Love Canal. For those not familiar, Love Canal is a dumpsite full of 20,000 tons of toxic chemicals, located in Niagara Falls, NY.

I bought a puppy. I needed something to help cope that wouldn’t destroy my health.

Like fighting to obtain relief from the Love Canal leaking dumpsite this year has been one crisis after another. One friend, ally, family member after another feeling sick, worried about COVID or passing away – – alone. Our work at CHEJ had to be totally transformed from face-to-face to virtual. Our leaders who are primarily living in polluted and low income communities told us no one is enforcing the laws and regulations and people are dying. We were powerless to do anything about it.

The election has not yet been declared but it looks like Biden’s going to win and Trump loose. Time will tell because every vote needs to be counted. I’m patiently waiting . . . maybe not so patiently . . . but willing to wait as long as it takes because that is how our democracy must work – count every single voice.

So like many of you – I just wish this year would end. 2021 has got to be better. But at least I now have my happy, oblivious and active puppy to distract me for a little while each day from this crazy world that continues to spin out of control.

It’s time to take my little Buddy for a walk.

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