October 2023
CHEJ's "All In" - Spotlight of the Month

As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisper, we welcome the arrival of fall. While this season brings a picturesque transformation of nature, it also brings certain challenges, particularly when it comes to chemical exposure. At CHEJ, our commitment to environmental justice extends to every season, and we want to ensure you and your community stay informed and protected.


Fall presents unique environmental risks due to changes in weather patterns, outdoor activities, and agricultural practices. Here are some important considerations:


1. Pesticides and Herbicides: Fall is a time when farmers often apply pesticides and herbicides to their crops. These chemicals can drift through the air and settle on nearby communities, posing health risks to residents. It’s crucial to stay informed about local agricultural practices and advocate for responsible and safe pesticide use.


2. Indoor Air Quality: As the temperatures drop, we spend more time indoors, where air quality can sometimes be worse than outdoor air. Poor ventilation, the use of certain heating sources, and the release of indoor pollutants from household products can lead to indoor air pollution. Proper ventilation and the use of air purifiers can help mitigate these risks.


3. Mold and Moisture: Fall’s damp weather can lead to increased moisture in homes, creating conditions conducive to mold growth. Mold can release harmful spores that affect indoor air quality and trigger respiratory problems. Regular home maintenance and addressing moisture issues promptly are essential.


4. Chemicals in Yard Care, School Supplies, and Household Cleaners: Several kinds of school supplies, lawn fertilizers, and cleaners may contain hazardous chemicals that can be abrasive or could have potentially dangerous effects on your child’s development. Be mindful of the products you use and their potential environmental and health impacts. Our August Training Call with the Children’s Environmental Health Network (CEHN) provides a helpful insight into what eco-friendly alternatives are available. You can also check out our resources on detoxifying your home and non-toxic cleaning.


As advocates for environmental justice, we encourage you to take steps to protect yourself, your family, and your community during the fall season. This includes staying informed about local environmental issues, advocating for responsible chemical use, and adopting eco-friendly practices in your daily life.

Toxic Tuesday

Particulate matter (PM) is a mixture of chemicals, dust, and liquid droplets that can be emitted into the air from automobiles, power plants, construction sites, smokestacks, and fires. When people breathe contaminated air, this PM gets lodged into[Read more]

Training Calls

In this Training Call, our former community organizer and current director of Toxic-Free Future’s Mind the Store program, Mike Schade, further illuminates vinyl chloride pollution and how to hold corporations accountable using CHEJ’s past successful tactics…. [Watch now]

Backyard Talk Blogs

By Sharon Franklin. In July 2023, I wrote the blog, “There’s An Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Health Emergency in South Memphis, Tennessee.” In it, I discussed the air pollution created by the Sterilization Services of TN (SELC) in Memphis, Tennesse [Read more]

By Leila Waid. September is kicking into high gear, which means the summer season has ended, and fall is just around the corner. While summer is usually known for warm, sunny days that are perfect for vacations, this summer was quite[Read more]

By Hunter Marion. Nestled between the slow, muddy waters of the Trinity River and the noisy I-45, sits Joppa, TX. Pronounced “Joppee” by locals, Joppa is a neighborhood located at Dallas proper’s southernmost point. It was founded [Read more]

By Gregory Kolen II. Did you know that CHEJ offers audio discussions for you to listen to? The Fighting to Win podcast hosted by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) is where you will hear inspiring stories from environmental activist[Read more]

Do you find this information useful? Please consider pitching in and making a contribution to CHEJ. We appreciate your support!

The East Palestine and Ohio train derailments highlighted the widespread issue of vinyl chloride pollution in the US, often linked to corporate negligence. Mike Schade from Toxic-Free Future’s Mind the Store program elaborated on this issue and the harmful impact of plastic pollution. He detailed how the program is pressing major retailers to curb toxic chemicals and plastics usage, and shared ways individuals can participate in protecting communities from such pollution.

This fall, let’s change the color of our future from the bleak grey of pollution to the vibrant hues of a healthy environment. Join CHEJ in our fight by donating today! Together, we can ensure a safer, cleaner world for ourselves and future generations.