CHEJ Small Grants Program

Round 2, 2024 - Tier 3

Tier 3 applications are for large organizations with budgets over $250,000, but not exceeding $1,000,000 (one million dollars) Grants available in this tier range from $10,000 to $20,000.

Tier 3 Applications forms can be downloaded below. Choose between Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

What to Include in the Application

Be sure to carefully read our Guidelines and Instructions for Applying before you begin this application process. Applications that do not meet our Guidelines will not be consideredThis grant application consists of three (3) partsPart 1 – Cover SheetPart 2 – Application Questions, and Part 3 – Budget Form. For your application to be considered, you are required to do the following:

  1. Fill out all the information requested on Part 1 – Cover Sheet, including signing the form. 
  2. Answer the five (5) questions (Part 2 – Application Questions) on no less than (3) pages, but no more than five (5) pages. (Be sure to include your organization’s name). 
  3. Complete the budget page (Part 3 – Budget Form) making sure that the columns add up correctly, are balanced (revenue vs expenses) and match the proposed project budget. The proposed CHEJ budget column must be filled in.
  4. Provide information about a Fiscal Sponsor (if applicable).
  5. You must complete and include all three parts (Part 1 – Cover Sheet, Part 2 – Application Questions and Part 3 – Budget Form) for your application to be considered.
  6. Submit your 3-part, 5- to 7-page application (the cover sheet; 3-5 pages in response to the questions; and the budget form). No more than seven (7) pages in total will be considered.

NOTE: Do not change the format of the application, except to make it more legible. Any drastic changes will result in disqualification. Applications that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.

How to Submit Your Application

A completed application (all three parts) must be submitted by email to or mailed directly to the CHEJ Office (P.O. Box 6806, Falls Church, VA 22040). Applications sent by U.S. mail must be postmarked by Friday, May 31, 2024. All email applications must be received before midnight on Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM EDT. We will not accept applications that are sent to any other email address or by any other means.

If you are emailing your application, it must be attached as a Word Document or a Google Doc(If you cannot submit it in either document format, you may submit photos of a hand-filled application – so long as the writing is clear and highly legible.) We will not consider an application that we cannot read.