The Superfund site made up of mine sites around Silverton contaminating the Animas River has been chosen to be part of a new pilot study that aims to speed up the Environmental Protection Agency’s cleanup process.
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Day: February 8, 2019
Sign a Petition for the Green New Deal
It’s not news that the earth is dying.
Today, Senators Ed Markey and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released their resolution for the Green New Deal. This marks a huge step forward in the fight to stop the climate crisis and create millions of good jobs.
Now it’s up to us to make sure the Green New Deal continues to be a strong, sweeping plan that attracts tons of support from our elected officials. Add your name to the petition right now.
Today’s resolution presents a plan to transition America to 100% clean and renewable energy. It offers a just transition for all communities and workers who have been impacted by climate change, and a job guarantee with a family-sustaining wage for everyone in our society.
The Green New Deal has made it to the halls of Congress because of grassroots support in every corner of the country. We still have a long road ahead to pass the bold policies we’ve been fighting for, and I can’t wait to see what we will do together.
Click here to demand that your elected official support the Green New Deal.
Want to read the Resolution for yourself? Check out Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s resolution here!